'/farms' Endpoint Get Farm Info Endpoint: /farms/get_farm_info.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: JSON response with farm information (amount per hour, next claim time, farming status). { "farm_amount_per_hour": 10, "next_farm_claim_time": "2024-06-14 18:24:37", "farming_status": "inactive" } Error: JSON response with error message if user ID is missing or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Get Farm Balance Endpoint: /farms/get_farm_balance.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: JSON response with farm wallet balance. { "balance": "farm_wallet_balance" } Error: JSON response with error message if user ID is missing or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Get Farm Boost Prices Endpoint: /farms/get_farm_boost_prices.php Request Type: GET Expected Output: Success: JSON response with farm boost prices. [ { "name": "Boost Name", "cost": 100, "reward": 20 }, { "name": "Another Boost", "cost": 150, "reward": 30 } // Additional boost objects as needed ] Error: JSON response with error message if database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Get Farm Boost Purchased Endpoint: /farms/get_farm_boost_purchased.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: JSON response with purchased farm boosts. [ { "boost_id": 1, "boost_name": "Boost Name", "boost_level": 2 }, { "boost_id": 2, "boost_name": "Another Boost", "boost_level": 1 } // Additional purchased boost objects as needed ] Error: JSON response with error message if user ID is missing or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Activate farming Endpoint: /farms/activate_farming.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier", } Expected Output: Success: JSON response confirming farm boost purchase. { "message": "Farming activated successfully" } Error: JSON response with error message if user ID or boost ID is missing, insufficient balance, boost not found, or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Purchase Farm Boost Endpoint: /farms/purchase_farm_boost.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier", "boost_id" (integer): Boost identifier } Expected Output: Success: JSON response confirming farm boost purchase. { "message": "Farm boost purchased successfully" } Error: JSON response with error message if user ID or boost ID is missing, insufficient balance, boost not found, or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Process Farming Claim Endpoint: /farms/process_farming_claim.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: JSON response confirming farming claim process. { "message": "Farming claim processed successfully" } Error: JSON response with error message if user ID is missing or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Claim Farmed Amount Endpoint: /farms/claim_farmed_amount.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output Success: JSON response with a success message and the claimed amount. { "message": "Farmed amount claimed successfully", "claimed_amount": "amount" } Send Farmed Token to Wallet Endpoint: /farms/send_farmed_token_to_wallet.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters { "user_id" (string): "User identifier", "wallet_address" (string): "Wallet address to send tokens to", "amount" (integer): "Amount of tokens to send" } '/invitations' Endpoint Get Invite Link Endpoint:/invitations/get_invite_link.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: response with invite link. {"invite_link":"https:\/\/t.me\/SomeBot?start=411607"} Error: response with error message if user ID is missing or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Get Invite Reward Endpoint: /invitations/get_invite_reward.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: response with invite reward information. {"rewards":[{"threshold":5,"reward":50},{"threshold":5,"reward":50},{"threshold":5,"reward":50},{"threshold":5,"reward":50},{"threshold":5,"reward":50},{"threshold":10,"reward":100},{"threshold":10,"reward":100},..]} Error: response with error message if user ID is missing or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Get User Invite Count Endpoint: /invitations/get_user_invite_count.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: response with user invite count. { "invite_count": "invite_count" } Error: response with error message if user ID is missing or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Get User Invited Endpoint: invitations/get_user_invited.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: response with list of users invited by the specified user. { "invited_users": [ { "user_id": "invited_user_id", "invite_date": "invite_date" } ] } Error: response with error message if user ID is missing or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Claim Invite Reward Endpoint: /invitations/claim_invite_reward.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: response with success message and reward details. { "message": "Invite reward claimed successfully", "reward": "reward_amount" } Error: response with error message if user ID is missing, no eligible reward to claim, reward already claimed, or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Get Invite Claim Info Endpoint: /invitations/get_invite_claim_info.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: response with invite count, next threshold, and reward. { "invite_count": "invite_count", "next_threshold": "next_threshold", "reward": "reward_amount" } Error: response with error message if user ID is missing, unable to fetch invite count or next threshold info, or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" } Get Invite Claimed Status Endpoint: /invitations/get_invite_claim_status.php Request Type: POST Input Parameters: { "user_id" (string): "User identifier" } Expected Output: Success: response with invite claim status. { "invite_claim_status": "claimed_status" } Error: response with error message if user ID is missing or database operation fails. { "error": "Error message detailing the issue" }